English follows.
Ревюто съдържа спойлери за първите две книги от поредицата, за които можете да прочетете тук и тук. Ако още не сте прочели поредицата, затваряйте този прозорец и отивайте да си я поръчате веднага.
Когато беше малко момиче, вещицата я заключи в кула, която нямаше ни врати, ни стълбище.

Най-доверената чародейка на кралица Левана я държи затворена в сателита откакто е била на седем години, единствено с малката Крес - компютър, създаден от нея да ѝ прави компания през дългите, самотни часове. Работата на хакерката е да докладва на чародейката новини за Синдер, Вълка, Трън и Скарлет с цел тяхното залавяне, но вместо това тя ги укрива през цялото време без те да знаят.
Междувременно, на кораба Рампион Синдер и компания се опитват да измислят начин да предотвратят сватбата между император Каито и кралица Левана, която не би довела до нищо друго, освен непоправими щети върху цялата планета. Тогава Синдер се сеща за момичето, свързало се с нея по ДИРКОМ-а, и се опитва да намери координатите ѝ. Да стигнат до Крес ще бъде трудно и няма да мине без поражения, но помощта ѝ ще бъде жизнено важна за успеха на цялата мисия.
Мариса Мейър спечели сърцето ми още със "Синдер". "Скарлет" отвя ума ми и ме остави безмълвна, сгъната на кравайче в леглото ми с течащи сълзи по лицето, неспособна да затворя последната страница.
"Крес", обаче, ме правеше ядосана от време на време. И си траех. И мислено хвърлях книгата срещу стената. На училище ходих недоспала, на мама казвах "последна глава, шест страници има само", тя заспива до мене, аз тайно се подсмихвам и прочитам още две глави възможно най-бързо, че да не ме усети. Какво да кажа, чета след вечерния си час. Ех...
Любимите ми герои от предишните две книги са се променили до неузнаваемост - от сравнително плоските персонажи, все още не напълно осъзнали сериозността на нещата, в едни зрели и борбени хора. Дори и новата героиня се разви с неочаквано бързи темпове и метаморфозата ѝ беше наслада да се наблюдава.
Засега това определено ми е любимата част от поредицата. Имаше си от всичко по малко - любовни сцени по средата на епични битки (това мое вечно шипърско сърчице...), красиви описания, обрати. Просто тръпна за финалната книга - "Зима". А фактът, че в края на "Крес" успяхме да видим малка част от новата главна героиня, прави чакането още по-сладко.
И се надявам чакането да си струва, разбира се, защото от 800 страници томче хич не очаквам малко. :)
The review contains spoilers for the first and second book. If you still haven't read them, correct this mistake as soon as possible. Go to the bookstore. Right now. Close this tab and visit the nearest bookstore.
When she was just a child, the witch locked her
away in a tower that had neither doors nor stairs.
Welcome to one of the many satellites, orbiting the Earth. But this particular satellite is Cress' prison and the only home she has ever known. Queen Levana's closest thraumatuge keeps her locked in order to get as much information about Cinder, Scarlet, Thorne, and Wolf as possible. Instead of that, she secretly helps them without their knowledge, and never gives a thing away.
But this isn't Rapunzel as we know her. In fact, the only thing both of these fictional characters have in common is their long fair hair and being kept in a tower (I mean, if by 'tower' you understand a satellite thousands of meters above the Earth's atmosphere...) Not only is Cress an amazing hacker, but she is the best hacker on Luna. Her only company is the computer version of her 10-year-old self. Despite her unique talent, she wasn't destined to live a happy, fortunate life.
Meanwhile, on the board of Rampion Cinder and company are trying to find a way to stop the wedding between Emperor Kaito and Queen Levana. Cinder remembers a girl who tried to call her through the portscreen hidden in Kaito's android, Nainsi. Reaching Cress will be difficult, but the entire crew needs her help to succeed in their difficult mission.
Mrs. Meyer won my heart with her debut novel. Scarlet totally blew me away and left me curled in a fetal position in my bed, crying my eyes out.
Cress, my friend, was different.
I got angry. I mentally threw the book against the wall because, tell me, how can someone be so dumb?! These dumb decisions eventually lead to unexpected plot twists that made me stay awake for another, ehm, hour, when I was supposed to sleep because I'm still a student and I need a lot of sleep. Eh, I read past my bedtime, blame me, Mom. Yes, I did read two more chapters although I'd promised you that was my last one. Fight me.
My favorite characters have grown up a lot since I last read Scarlet more than four months ago. Back then, they were rather one-dimensional, while now... Now we have true revolutioners, brave, smart, and fucking kick-ass. Even the new character changed from a pretty naive and fragile girl, to a strong woman ready to destroy Luna. Her metamorphosis was pleasure to observe.
So far, this is definitely my favorite TLC installment. It has absolutely everything - from beautiful descriptions, to love scenes in the middle of epic, action-packed battles (they are cute when needed! Dont'judge me.)
I can't wait to finally pick up Winter. I've already set up my expectations pretty high. I mean, it's a solid 800-page monster, there's a ton of things that need to happen!
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source: thaliagraced.tumblr.com |
Mrs. Meyer won my heart with her debut novel. Scarlet totally blew me away and left me curled in a fetal position in my bed, crying my eyes out.
Cress, my friend, was different.
I got angry. I mentally threw the book against the wall because, tell me, how can someone be so dumb?! These dumb decisions eventually lead to unexpected plot twists that made me stay awake for another, ehm, hour, when I was supposed to sleep because I'm still a student and I need a lot of sleep. Eh, I read past my bedtime, blame me, Mom. Yes, I did read two more chapters although I'd promised you that was my last one. Fight me.
My favorite characters have grown up a lot since I last read Scarlet more than four months ago. Back then, they were rather one-dimensional, while now... Now we have true revolutioners, brave, smart, and fucking kick-ass. Even the new character changed from a pretty naive and fragile girl, to a strong woman ready to destroy Luna. Her metamorphosis was pleasure to observe.
So far, this is definitely my favorite TLC installment. It has absolutely everything - from beautiful descriptions, to love scenes in the middle of epic, action-packed battles (they are cute when needed! Dont'judge me.)
I can't wait to finally pick up Winter. I've already set up my expectations pretty high. I mean, it's a solid 800-page monster, there's a ton of things that need to happen!
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